Transform your garden terrace into a cozy and cool sanctuary with these inspiring ideas

The terrace is part of the house which is usually used as a relaxing area suitable for gathering with family. But not only that, you can also use the terrace as a fresh garden. For some ideas that you can imitate, see the following article about Cozy and Cool Garden Terrace Ideas.

Refreshing and cool garden

This first terrace idea has a fresh garden view with a stretch of grass that makes the area feel fresher. Not only that, to give a more colorful impression, additional hydrangea flowering plants can make the terrace more beautiful.

The garden around the terrace can be enjoyed comfortably from the deck that has been built into the terrace. The addition of a few lounge chairs adds comfort for anyone who enjoys it. The addition of several plant pots placed in the corner of the deck also adds to the atmosphere of freshness.