Bring some positivity to your office space with these 15 lucky plants for desks!

Plants have long been recognized for their ability to revitalize and refresh a space. Some plants are revered not just for their beauty, but also for the good fortune and vitality they are said to provide to their owners. Bringing in greenery like this has been shown to increase morale, energy, and productivity in the office. In this piece, we’ll take a look at many plants that have a reputation for bringing prosperity to the office.

As its common name implies, the Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is widely revered as a portent of financial success and happiness. The thin stems and lush green leaves of this common plant have made it a favorite. It is thought that having a piece of lucky bamboo at the office would encourage development, perseverance, and a good attitude. It’s perfect for the workplace since it doesn’t need much attention and grows well in dim lighting.