Bike Racks: 16 Ways of Building Your Own Pallet Bike Rack

Bike storage can be challenging. They usually end up in a sloppy pile in the corner of your garage. Not anymore! Check out these 16 ways of reusing old wooden pallets as bike racks to solve your bike-storage woes!

Due to the shape and form of a wooden pallet, it’s the perfect raw material to make a straightforward and cheap bike rack. The slats of the pallet are spaced far enough apart – but not too far apart – to hold a bicycle wheel.

We’ve compiled some ideas we’ve found on the ‘net to show you how people used old pallets and repurposed them into various bike racks. No more excuses for scratching up those expensive investments! No need to buy an expensive bike rack! You could transform Wooden Pallets as Bike Racks in minutes and for FREE! Not bad, huh? Read on, fellow crafters.

This simple bike rack merely is two pallets. They are typically heavy enough to stay in place, but it’s always a wise idea to anchor them just in case. Mainly if you have little ones getting their bikes in and out of the rack.

This smart bike rack is simply two pallets with hinges along the top so that the pallets will fold like a book, and then install two sets of wheels along the bottoms, so when it is wrapped, you can roll it away. Terrific idea for a small business!

This is a fast and easy bike rack. This is a pallet with only the top deck and put at an approximately 45-degree angle to the wall. Optionally, you can secure it in place – even a sandbag can work. Just be mindful if you have young ones using the bike rack that it is secured well.

This stable design is very simple. Remove the bottom deck from a pallet, and use the pieces to create a basic frame to support one end.

Terrific bike rack for kids. Only create a square frame to make the one vertical pallet super-stable. If needed, you can add sandbags along the corners if it moves around too much.

Easy as can be! Find a small pallet, or cut one down to size. Make use of that small corner area in a garage and store two bikes conveniently. And you thought small spaces were significant problems for bike storage. You only need a small pallet to make good use of those extra few feet of space in the garage or carport. This little rack is just right for two bikes.

Your bike rack can become part of the scenery. This brilliant idea disguises the bike rack as part of the gorgeous pallet wall art. If you wanted, you could even make the one pallet on the ground folding so that you could lift it up when you had guests and needed the patio space!

You only need a pallet and a smidge more. Take the end blocks and deck board from a 2nd pallet and install them directly to the end blocks/deck board on the first to create a convenient, angled bike rack.

Easy to move; won’t hurt your staff’s backs. Use two small pallets or cut two down to the size you need. You can just stack them like this, or secure them together. You could also use some of the previous ideas and hinge them, so they fold like a book. Put them on wheels to make your staff happy!

Clever! Use two large shelf angle brackets to make the pallet stand up on end. Then, this bright person identified easy places to put the tires with a smart paint job so that one person doesn’t take up the entire rack by accident.

Steal a couple of deck boards from the backsides of two pallets for a secure bike rack that keeps items in the garage from encroaching. Use two large pallets and store the kid’s scooters and more here. Just nail the pallets together, and secure the ends with diagonally-placed deck boards.

Instant organization! Two pallets nailed together at a 90-degree angle with some extra deck boards installed from corner to corner diagonally. This is perfect for using Wooden Pallets as Bike Racks to Organize areas!

Pallet Bike racks don’t have to be boring. This idea makes bike storage neat, modern and exciting by painting the wall to create a focal point. They also added additional storage at the top by pulling one board free and turning it into a shelf.

Then, just get some garage organizer brackets from your home center, and you can store your bikes neatly, off the floor, and make those expensive bike ART while they’re not in use. Terrific idea for apartments!

Here’s another focal bike rack – perfect for a lone wolf! Customize it; add some LED lights to it, and maybe some fun stenciling? Personalize it and elevate it to a great conversation piece. This person used nice towel racks to hold his bike. Brilliant!

Customize it! Make it fun, or elegant, or just plain weird! This fun pallet bike rack is made by cutting a pallet down and using the cut portion to create the backstop. Then they painted the inner surfaces in a beautiful leaf pattern. But, you could image transfer, decoupage, stencil, freehand paint, Woodburn… Feeling inspired now?

Simply rebuild the pallet dice sections that you have previously dismantled into a simple L-shape. Make sure that the openings are exactly right to hold your bike’s tire properly!

A simple L-shaped rack for adult-sized bikes. You can park the bike either frontwards or backward in the rack as it does not interfere with the chain or derailleur when it is parked backward. This bike rack is built from basic construction lumber: mostly 2×6 and 2×3 lumber, as well as some small bits of plywood to help with attaching it to the wall. But, instead of lumber, you can use recycled pallets.